Business Communication
Course objective and special aim
In order to be successful in business life the students should be able to use communication methods and tools. This course is an introduction to business communication, marketing communication and public relations. It is designed to provide the student with a basic understanding of the principles of the organization of corporate business communications and the operation of various effective communication systems and methods. This course is designed to give students a comprehensive view of communication, its scope and importance in business, and the role of communication in establishing a favorable outside the firm environment, as well as an effective internal communications program.
Course content
- Definition of business communication.
- The conscious organization of communication Social-economic environment of the organizations.
- Communication in society the types of communication.
- The 5 levels of communication. One way and two-way communication.
- Business protocols, meta-communication in business life. Etc.
- Self-building and person to person communication during the working process. How to sell and to conduct commercial contracts.
- The parts of the corporate business communication. Management communication, Marketing communication, Human Resource, Public Relations
- The key concepts and elements of business communication: Corporate Culture, Corporate Philosophy, Corporate Citizenship, Corporate Behavior, Corporate Identity, Corporate Image,
- Reputation management
- The tasks and tools used between the organizations and the environment.
- Marketing communication: the ATL and the BTL tools, advertising, the sales promotion, the point of sale,
- Public Relations: Personal communications, Events organization, Publishing, Audiovisual tools, Printed and Electronic Media.
- Communication methods in business life: Lobby, Aid policy, leaks to the media, etc.
- Corporate business communication at present and in the future – the ePR (web PR, net PR, on-line PR) – social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.)
- Corporate Business Communication in the practice.
- The “Technology” of the corporate business communications – Counselling, Research, Planning, Execution, Evaluation
Key terminology
- The channel of communication,
- tactics for personal selling, selling strategies,
- non-verbal communication,
- the form of written communications,
- ethical questions of business life.
- One way and two-way communication,
- The conscious organization of communication,
- Management communication,
- Marketing communication,
- Human Resource,
- Public Relations.
- Corporate Culture,
- Corporate Philosophy,
- Corporate Citizenship,
- Corporate Behavior,
- Corporate Identity,
- Corporate Image,
- Reputation management.
Compulsory reading:
- Power Point presentations of the course
- eCCO Magazine
- The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) website
Other reading:
- Philip Kotler-Keller Kevin Lane: Marketing Management 12th Edition, 2006
- Essentials of Business Communication, Sixth Edition, Mary Ellen Guffey, South-Western College Publishing.
- Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center, Glen M. Broom: Effective Public Relations 8th Edition, Prentince-Hall, Inc.
- Wally Olins: Corporate Identity 2nd ed. Thames and Hudson 1990
- Different websites and articles, offered by the teacher, during the lessons
Accessibility of study materials: in the class library, internet
Student performance assessment:
The basis of calculation is the number of total points of the assay and presentation and two tests (50- 25– 25%). Passing the minimum requirement is needed 51 percent of the total point.
Sample lectures
The structure of the Corporate Communication
To visit the page of the presentation, please click here
To visit the page of the presentation, please click here.
How to connect Effective Communication & Business – Podcast of NJCU IDR Connecting Bridges and Borders program
(To see the podcast please click the photo)