Fibraco Mission Statement

“Fibraco mission is to provide to recommend management tools that help any organization to reach its targets and higher success. We are working as a team members of our partner organisations. We build strong trusted relationships with the highest standards of ethical conduct.”

Managament Consulting

Mergers and Acquisitions, Business Plans, Compliance Financial Services (Payroll, Accounting, Insurance)
Corporate Communication
Public Relations

Real Estate Management

Fibraco has a real estate management division located in Buffalo, New York specializing in regional residential housing projects.
With some retail properties and a management group committed to meeting our tenants’ needs, we have earned a good reputation.


Fibraco Education Service
The aim of the courses: In order to be successful in the business life the students should be able to use the communication methods and tools.

Fibraco LLC Established in 2008

Fibraco Services

Organization Chart

Management consulting 

Real Estate Management

Real Estate Management


Financial Services



Fibraco Communication

Corporate Communication





Gabi Szilagyi

Gabi Szilagyi

Business Owner / Balanka

“The Fibraco built our website. Customized all our ideas. Excellent, accurate, fast job. Everything was well executed and very valuable. Surprised at how much Fibraco knew about our company and how well he related it to us.”

Andrew Nagy

Andrew Nagy

Owner, CEO / Stamp-Flex Ltd

"Your company is truly upstanding and is behind its product 100 percent. Hestia is worth much more than I paid. I like Hestia more each day because it makes easier."

George Adams

George Adams

Managing Director / GandS Music

“Fibraco makes it easy to figure out what is working well, what is not and what we need to change. They make it less stressful.”

Some important partners of Fibraco Llc

New Jersey City University Institute for Dispute Resolution
American Hungarian Chamber of Commerce
Dialyze Direct
The CCO Magazin
IRU 1971 – Internationale Romani Union
Lavandulaforszeretet Education – Balanka
Stamp-Flex Ltd
S and G Music


Some news and reminders for our interested partners

Estimated taxes

Reminder for our interested partners. The IRS issued a reminder: For those who pay estimated taxes, the second-quarter June 15 deadline approaches.


Find us at the office

2728 Henry Hudson Pkwy Apt B74 Bronx, Riverdale New York 10463

Send an email to us
Give us a ring  

+1 (917) 744-1699